Stuart Turnbull Here
My friends ALL said I'm LUNATIC CRAZY for showing you
this 2 min. video (below) because it
reveals my money making secret BEFORE you even buy my
course! But I decided to show you this video
anyway because I'm hopping mad...I'm mad at all
the so called “Gurus” out there who are making false
promises and taking your money.
I'm NOT a guru...
I'm just a simple guy (yes that's my real picture on the
left) running a simple little online business for
incredible “under the radar” profit and I like
helping people with REAL SOLUTIONS.
Before you watch the video, let me ask you a silly
Are you looking for a
profitable “REAL” home based (online) business that
can make you SOLID CASH each and every single day?
year 'round? (NOT “pie in the sky promises” but a
REAL business that makes you REAL money, that can
be run “very part time” and is 'stupid simple' to
implement?) A REAL business that you'll be PROUD of and
that your
friends & family will marvel at?
If so...
Please take 2 quick minutes to
view the important video below.
(it reveals my secret 'stupid simple' money making
method UPFRONT...BEFORE you buy anything!)
In the quick video below, you will learn exactly
how I (and hundreds of others) are making 300%,
500%, even as much as 2600% profits selling
unique little products on eBay (and other places) that
cost just pennies to acquire.
These products are “vintage art prints” that you can
EASILY get for less than a dollar apiece (I show you
how!), and are small enough to fit inside a manila
envelope. You can EASILY re-sell these rare ORIGINAL
“collectable prints” for amounts in excess of $10,
$20, $60, even $120+ or more EACH!
Check out my 2 minute video and learn my secret
Don't let the SIMPLICITY of this business fool
you...I've been doing it since 2004 and it is
amazingly lucrative! (I'm still doing it today in 2020!)
And you …
No more waiting for PAYDAY!
With this unique “under the radar"
Imagine at last... You now have a REAL high profit
“super simple” secret business that
earns you CASH 'under the radar' virtually everyday! And
it's all yours!!
BUT FIRST...let's face up to reality.
Let's face it...
You need more money
– (I've been there...) It's an age old problem that you
share with 99% of the people on this planet.
Maybe, like me, you got laid off by your employer, maybe
your hours were cut because of the recession, maybe you
are struggling to get by on social security or a meager
Whatever your particular situation
you will recognize that feeling of dread and desperation
when the unexpected bill lands on your doormat or your
car refuses to start or your washing machine dumps its
contents onto your kitchen floor.
You will recognize that knot in the pit of your stomach
that comes between you and sleep because you haven't got
the money to pay some bill.
I know that feeling well.
It becomes a constant nagging fear that eats away at you
24/7 and erodes your self respect. You find yourself
becoming irritable and short tempered, snapping at your
kids and spouse.
Your confidence plummets.
You begin to question yourself, you feel inadequate, you
feel you are letting your family down and this becomes a
vicious downward spiral that you know you must escape
from before it's too late and you lose everything.
Then, one day you have a revelation!
The answer to your prayers is staring you in the face –
the internet!
You've heard of people making huge money online and so
you begin to research 'money making opportunities'
online – Hey! This is gonna be easier than you thought –
there are hundreds of “gurus” who want to help you –
All you have to do is, invest $47, $67, $97
or more in an “easy to follow ecourse” from the latest
“Guru” and you'll be raking in a grand a week by the end
of the month! Right?
One month later,
things aren't working out as well as you'd hoped – the
money hasn't started coming in, and that $47 ecourse
didn't give you the full story... Maybe you had to
borrow from your in laws to cover the cost of the $97
Premium Platinum VIP membership that guaranteed to get
you to the grand a week level. Right?
Those old familiar feelings of self doubt and fear begin
to creep back into your life – but wait! A brand new
money making plan has just been discovered and it's your
lucky day!
And it only costs $197!
Does this sound familiar to you?
You're not alone!
I (and millions of others) have been there too, chasing
the magic button, the easy money formula.
I'm sure, like me, you have figured it out by now –
there really is no magic button or easy money
formula that will pump a grand a week into your bank
account for following a few simple steps. I apologize
for bursting your bubble in such a brutal way but
sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.
OK, so let's forget the grand a week fantasy – let's get
You Need More Money!
- So you and your family can get the living comfort you
and they deserve.
You're sincere and determined
You're NOT a quitter – an extra few hundred a week (or
even a month!) would make a huge difference to your life
You're willing to work to 'scale up' your REAL business
by re-investing a portion of your profits
You want to pay down those nagging bills and debts and
build up a slush fund to pay those unexpected 'surprise'
expenses that pop up
You want to have a family meal out or finance that
family trip you have been promising
Most of all, you want 'peace of mind' with a happy
spouse and kids, with no more 'money' stress, and no
more sleepless nights.
But how?
STOP LISTENING to the Gurus and instead
learn what REALLY WORKS from people who are ACTUALLY
they are writing about!
I have been doing this for over a decade – I promise
you it really works. I have been quietly
supplementing (tremendously supplementing!) my income
and YOU can do it too!
I take you by the hand and show you step by
step EXACTLY how to start and run this simple high
profit business – And UNLIKE the GURUS, I leave NOTHING
This is what you get when you join my program:

13 step by step video tutorials that walk you
through every single step with nothing left out. These
videos are easy to follow and mobile friendly so you can
watch and learn anywhere, anytime on your tablet or
mobile device.
Video 1
Watch me as I demonstrate how to use ebay's completed
listings to unearth the hottest selling book plate
prints, I also introduce you to an online resource where
you can find the source books at rock bottom prices.
Video 2
We also use Etsy to help us uncover the most profitable
book plate print niches and in this video you will learn
how, PLUS you'll also discover the title of a
book that you can buy online today for $10 containing 23
prints that sell everyday on ebay and Etsy for $10
Video 3
You learn another super HOT book plate print
niche and I show you how to find out how long ebay 'buy
it now' listings are up before they sell – vital
information to ensure you don't tie your money up in
slow moving inventory.
Video 4
Watch over my shoulder as I bid on
a live ebay auction!
Video 5
I reveal yet another book plate print niche awash with
hungry buyers and I show you the whole story from the
initial research that turned up the niche to my two
favourite online resources for buying used books.
Video 6
How I use another online tool to really drill down into
the finer details of the niche – average prices, sell
through rates, buyer demographics etc.
Video 7
Ever wondered how to find best offer sold for prices on
ebay? I give you the low down on how I do it using a
little known and FREE website!
Video 8
I share my tried and tested ebay listing best practice
tips to help you create eye ball grabbing listings that
ensure your book plate prints sell for TOP DOLLAR!
Video 9
Making sales on Etsy is a whole different ball game but
don't worry, I've got you covered with my video guide to
creating attention snatching listings that SELL!
Video 10
I'm sure you have seen those ebay listings with a big,
zoomed in image showing all of the detail smack bang in
the middle of the description field – these SELL
and in this video I show you how you can do the same
simply, quickly and for FREE!
Video 11
You've just taken delivery of your first book and you're
wondering how to remove the valuable book plate prints
without damaging them – never fear, the answers are
here! Watch me as I show you how with no fuss or drama.
Video 12
Watch me add value to my book plate prints by matting
them to professional standard – this simple trick can
DOUBLE your final values! Easy to follow, step by
step instructions – watch the video then pause it as
often as you like as you follow along.
Video 13
Watch as I pack my print order and use a clever little
technique that guarantees your buyer receives their
print in pristine condition AND guarantees 5 star
feedback for you!
Full support and advice:
I run my own book print business every day so I am
perfectly placed to answer your questions and support
you as you start and grow your own book plate print
business - I guarantee to provide full
and detailed answers to all of your questions within 24
Afraid you can't create professional persuasive listings
for your book plate prints? Don't be...I've got
you covered there too.
These prints are so highly desired, they practically
sell themselves!
I'm including this incredible
($47 VALUE!)!
Anatomy of an Irresistible Ebay/Etsy Offer
Turn Your Skeptical Viewers Into Avid Repeat Bidders and

This guide (which was created exclusively
for Prints Make Profits) will show you how to easily create ebay &
etsy listings that SELL like WILDFIRE! (Even if you're a
complete Newbie).
Let's face it...no matter what you decide to sell on
Ebay or Etsy, the success of
the listing always comes down to making your offer so
irresistible that people
will scramble to place their bids!
Even if you are listing under the “Buy It Now” option,
your offer must contain so much “perceived value” that
your prospect's decision to buy becomes a 'no brainer'.
This FREE BONUS guide shows you how to do that in
SPADES! (No matter what the product!)
This Amazing Guide Shows You...
How To Stand Out From The Pack And Crush Your
Competition....................... (pg 7)
How To Strongly Persuade Your Visitor
By Echoing Their Beliefs...................... (pg
How To Easily Differentiate Yourself From Your
Competition............................ (pg 13)
How To Get Inside Your Visitors' Heads & Get Them To Do
Anything You Want.. (pg 16)
How To Write Persuasive Titles With A Hook To Grab
Attention......................... (pg 31)
How To Increase Your Productions Perceived Value (This
so simple you'll slap
yourself!)........................................................................ (pg
How To Create A Sense Of Scarcity & Urgency So Your
Customer Buys NOW...... (pg 38)
How To Write For “Skim Readers” So They'll STILL
BUY!.................................. (pg 43)
Even without these tips, your book plate prints will
sell, BUT by applying just a FEW of these great BONUS
GUIDE TIPS, you will explode your conversion rates! (and

I am so confident that my methods will work for you that
I am going to do something very special, I am going to
remove ALL of the risk from you and make you this
unique pledge.
Follow my course, try my methods – if you don't agree
that Prints Make Profits will put an extra few hundred a
month in your pocket then email me at any time (yes, I
mean any time – this guarantee has no time
restriction) and I will cheerfully refund 100% of
your money – no questions asked!
PLUS you get to keep your bonus
ebook with my compliments!
How much is this package worth to you?
How much would you pay to be taken by the hand and shown
in step by step detail how to secure your family's
financial future for life?
People pay $3500 and more to attend seminars that
promise to teach them how to make money online.
These seminars are often run by “experts” who are
peddling methods that don't work for the average Joe and
are really all about pitching you for additional
products and services for thousands of dollars more!!
I'm not going to ask you for $3500, I'm not even asking
you for 1% of that!
If you BUY TODAY you get access to the 13
tutorial videos that teach my proven methods
PLUS access to me for ongoing support and advice PLUS your
free BONUS ebook; “Anatomy of an Irresistible
ebay/Etsy Offer: Turn Your Skeptical Viewers into Avid
Repeat Bidders and Buyers!”
You get all of this for a tiny one off payment
Please note that this is a special
price and is available for a
very limited time only so ACT NOW to lock in your
membership at this low low price.
"Get instant access even if it's 2 am!"
Why This Business
Produces Higher Profits
With Much Less 'Time & Effort'
Simple to do
– all you need is a PC, an internet connection, home
scanner (your own, or borrowed from a friend) and $10 to
get you started.
Book plate prints are the perfect products to sell
online – cheap to acquire, easy to store, practically
sell themselves!, and they are simple and cheap to ship
anywhere in the world – all you need is a manilla
So get your COMPLETE “Prints Make Profits” course
(before the price goes up!)
"Get instant access even if it's 2 am!"
I have been sharing my methods and ideas since 2008 and
here are just a few of the success stories I have helped
Testimonial HERE
Hi, Stuart
I just wanted to let you know I’m deeply
grateful to you for helping me finally overcome
my inertia and start actually selling prints
from old books as you describe so well in your
Prints Make Profits training.
For the past several months, in fact, I’d kept
putting off for one reason or another trying to
buy books with saleable prints, but in the last
week or so everything has changed.
I’m definitely on my way, thanks to you!
My first book purchase was a rather beat-up copy
of ….........., which I bought for about $25.00
(plus postage, from England) and which
contained 14 usable prints. Almost all of
the prints turned out to be fine, albeit with a
touch of age understandably, being 100+ years
old (which I thought made them a bit more
charming, actually, but that’s me).
On June 2 last I started listing the prints on
Ebay this started a very exciting time in the
Tuck household!
Now, a week later I’ve sold the first five
prints for $15-25 each and one bidder who bought
one of the first to sell is bidding on 4 more
that go off EBay in a few days, so she can take
advantage of the reduced combined postage—and
one of those is over $25 now!
Also, I’ve been delighted to see that I’ve sold
one print each so far to buyers in Great
Britain, Italy and Australia and the rest to
buyers here in the US.
Also, I don’t even have to take the prints to
the Post Office if I don’t want to. The
Postperson can just pick up the envelopes here
at the house!
You have been simply wonderful with your time &
expertise, a veritable font of encouragement,
inspiration and practical advice, very
succinctly given. You zoom right in on the weak
parts of a listing and are always appraising it
with buyer in mind. Plus, your over-all
knowledge of vintage prints and aspects to
selling them successfully is phenomenal and
probably unequalled.
You’ve opened up several new worlds!
I really can’t praise you enough for the clarity
(and fun!) you provide in Prints Make Profits,
and most of all for your willingness and ability
to provide guidance, technical and motivational,
towards making this fascinating business work.
I really do think I’ve embarked on a
life-changing journey, thanks to you.
Best regards,

Burnis Tuck
Fresno CA
Testimonial HERE
Hi Stuart,
I have been reading your newsletters, emails and
blog posts and using your products for well over
three years now and it is high time I dropped
you a line to say thanks.
I purchased the Prints Make Profits course (and
a couple of your other products since) about a
year ago and am finding ebay print sales to be a
flexible stream of income as a side to my work
as a carpenter, which has its slow times,
especially in winter.
I found Prints Make Profits to be fun, visually
attractive, informative, concise and easy to
After I completed the course, I began selling
prints from some books I already had. Most of
the artists were of minimal fame, but I thought
it would be a fun, low cost way to try your
methods. The sales of those prints have steadily
trickled in.
In August alone, I earned $85 for half a
dozen prints from those books which cost me a
total of $25 !! And that is just that one month!
It deserves mention also, the service you
deliver after the sale.You seem quite willing to
answer questions that come up and respond
One of the best things about your mailings and
your products, Stuart, is that they contain no
They either deliver great information or
offer a high quality product for sale.
Over the last 15 years of my exploration
of online business, I have unsubscribed from
dozens of online business marketers.
The number of people who have retained my
admiration and confidence I can count on one
hand with fingers to spare.
You are one of those. When I see an email
from you, I take notice.
Interesting, informative emails and blog posts,
products packed with quality for a reasonable
price, service after the sale.
What more could I want?
So thanks and I'll be looking for your next
great product!

Joyce Amsden
Testimonial HERE
I purchased "Prints Make Profits" over a year+
It sounded like something I would like doing
because I already had a big love for books,
especially old ones.
After reading it through a couple of
times, I dove right in.
I was so excited to do this as I have become
disabled about 4 years ago and was literally
going insane from boredom!
I was already selling some things on
E-Bay, and it was going alright, but I wasn't
"in love" with the items I was selling.
I was so excited to do the prints.
Since I started I have spent alot of time
studying niches, what people are buying and
hunting for the obscure titles with prints that
people will like.
My life is not nearly so boring and tedious
I love the entire process of what I am
doing, from the beginning of finding the right
book, going through new arrivals, listing the
prints and then watching them sell.
I am making a decent amount of income on a
regular basis each month.
There are, of course, slow times.
But that happens no matter what you sell.
When it is a little slow, I spend more
time getting listings in for when people get
busy buying again.
I don't get down about it being slow,
because it always picks back up.
I want to thank Stuart Turnbull for his great
idea and for sharing it with people.
Especially at an affordable price!
Stuart is smart, funny, giving and he
MUST be a work-a-holic with everything that he
is always doing.
He is also accessible and helpful when
you may need him, which is a definit blessing
and not something that you always get from
someone that sells you information!
Thank You Stuart for giving me this great way to
spend my time - and make money doing it!
Thanks so much for saving me from spending my
old age in complete boredom!

Teri Nelson
Testimonial HERE
My wife bought Stuart Turnbull's course on
selling vintage art prints.
She learned step by step how to choose
profitable material, then source it, then sell
Does it work?
Do you wonder why I'm writing this
instead of her?
She's been too busy buying and selling
art prints.
Every time I turn around, she's sold more.
One more, five more... sometimes people
email her to make bulk offers... it's completely
With a small investment initially, it's
become entirely self-supporting.
The more she puts into it, the more
successful it becomes.
In the end, the only limitation seems to
be how much time to she's willing to put into
One of the few ways to make money we've found
that actually works. I have to give Stuart full
points- he keeps his promises.
By the way, she's emailed him... a lot...
for advice, clarification, thoughts and
suggestions... he's always given a real answer.
Plus updates and new information as it
becomes available.
I've bought more than my fair share of
money-making systems.
Most just make money for the guy who sold
it to me.
Stuart's real. We've been using his
methods over almost a year now, and it just
keeps working.

Monique and Alan Broz
Georgia USA
Testimonial HERE
Hi Stuart,
“Prints Make Profits” is like nothing I have
ever seen before. After doing some research like
instructed, I purchased my first book. After
listing them on eBay, I sold quite a few of the
prints right away. I sold another group, then
another. When you figure cost of book along with
eBay fees, I made about $150.
I felt pretty good about this, because
they are easy to list and sooooo easy to ship!
I was able to get a fantastic copy of
….............., and got them listed. They all
sold, and my total profit after fees and
material was over $200! And these are so fun to
One of my best finds came from an estate auction
where I was able to purchase ….......... but I
will tell you I am at a profit of over $500, and
I still have many prints to sell out of this
All in all, Stuart’s course is probably one of
the best online income opportunities I’ve ever
found. It’s fun, different, and will not cost
you an arm and a leg to get started. Also, every
time I have contacted Stuart with a question
about something, he has responded right away,
and has been a tremendous help. His customer
service is impeccable.
So, if you’re looking to make money online, and
feel like you have tried everything, look into
Stuart’s course

Paul Hundrieser
Iowa USA
So NOW you have a choice:
You can either keep following the so called “Gurus” and
keep chasing that elusive “magic button” and continue to
struggle making zero dollars online OR...
You can CHANGE your pattern, take action, and start to
build a REAL business TODAY
(NOTHING is left out, EVERYTHING is included in this
Remember you have my 100% money back GUARANTEE!
"Get instant access even if it's 2 am!"
You can contact me personally at
support [@] printsmakeprofits.com
Sincerely yours

PS It is finally time for you to STOP chasing the 'magic
button' dream and invest in yourself and your future
with a PROVEN program that really WORKS just like
Nanette did;
Testimonial HERE
Hi Stuart,
Greetings from the American Southwest!
I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for
providing this outstanding product.
And, true to your word - it really is a
complete package.
Researching, sourcing, preparation,
display, marketing, and packaging - all in the
initial kit!
And best of all - the skills to continue
on my own.
I picked up the PMP in 2011 , looking for
something to supplement our household income.
I needed something that I could do from
my little home studio without traveling all over
the place (we live up in a rural area, over 60
miles from the nearest proper city), and without
giving over half my house to inventory storage.
I already have a love of books and artwork so
this caught my attention immediately.
It's just perfect.
I can source inventory online, and store
it in a file cabinet.
There is an extremely high profit margin
(I'm keeping track - most sales are well over
ROI). Easy to pack, inexpensive to ship -
even internationally.
Since buying the initial package, I have opened
an eBay store, an Etsy store, a complimentary
website and I am proud to say, I am happily
achieving a decent and consistent profit each
This is something I can do well into my
retirement years.
And I plan on doing just that!
Thank you again Stuart, for sharing your
All the best,

Nanette Thorell
New Mexico USA
PPS Don't forget my UNIQUE no time limit restriction, no
questions asked, 100% money back guarantee which means
you can buy with ultimate confidence!